Friday, November 5, 2010

A Girl in the City

Sun has set in the west a few hours back to mark the end of day. Swarthiness prevailed the blue sky. A good old city sneaked under the blanket of darkness and lit itself up with fluorescent lamps. The perforated sky hooked the eyes of every individual to enumerate the glowing bulbs. The sound of Bach played at some unknown distance created the hallucination of illusion. The birds maneuvered the route to their individual nests. Every strike of an hour the clock made lessened the volumes of the man-made machines. The city with its people gets ready for some much needed rest. The beggars clean up their portion of the road for the night’s dream of getting rich which ends up with the morning rays of the sun. Night is here, here at Calcutta.
At some distant place, a girl lies on her bed with eyes closed. Memories come and go by like the waves of the sea, leaving some sweet moments at the shore. She is alone among the entire mass of objects yet she is not lonely as she has ‘herself’ for company. The monotonous day to day ‘struggle for existence’ life starts with the rush for achievements. The mask that is donned at work often becomes the face. Soon work becomes the identity and the ‘inner-self’ gets unnoticed and eventually gets lost into the heap of rubbish items and subsequently thrown out of consciousness. The prized possession that the girl possesses is everybody’s envy. She looked around and found people all over the place. Sometimes their voices reach her ears, sometimes they fade away along the destination. Recollection of her present past state she wonders how on every occasion she stood by her own side. The trust and affection which she pours on herself fortifies her deterministic strength. Relationships that exist in this reality scare her as she hated the word ‘compromise’. Relationships in turn snub her to which she never revolts. Every other people interpreted her but she failed to make them read her. The void that is now felt in the heart is filled up with the fantasies about dolls although she has grown up to a big girl.
A dream came and knocked her eyes. She drew the pillow closer to her body. An exhibition of a smile on her face lit up the dark night and she grasps the happiness firmly. The city sleeps with her with a new hope and a new tomorrow.

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